With working as a strategic consultant for large infrastructure enterprises globally for more than 15 years, Petra Dahm has a longterm and profound experience with innovation processes and the implementation of complex digitalisation projects. 2019 she joined the founding group of Extended Reality Bavaria e.V. as a board member with the aim to foster the Bavarian XR community in general and above that created two special interest groups with Medical XR and WomenInXR connecting with national and global networks.
With her current Start-Up StellDirVor GmbH, headquartered in Munich/Germany she’s consulting with her team health & care organisations in their digitalisation strategies with a focus on digital process optimisation as well as xReality Training & Education. In co-operation with international partners the company is offering innovative xReality solutions for VRSimulations, the qualification of and on-job-assistance for nurses as well as assisted services for smart hospitals. Furthermore StellDirVor is involved in various R&D projects and starting to develop own products and services.