Joaquim Jorge heads the Graphics and Interaction Group at INESC-ID, is Full Professor of Computer Science at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/UL), the School of Engineering of the University of Lisboa, Portugal and is Editor-in-Chief of the Computers and Graphics Journal. Received PhD and MSc degrees in Computer Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, in 1995 and a BsEE from IST/UTL in 1984.
He was Program Co-Chair of IEEE VR2021, Eurographics 2016, served as IPC Co-Chair for ACM IUI 2012 (Lisboa) and the International Conference on CAD and Computer Graphics (HK, 2013).
He Co-chaired Eurovis 2019 (Porto, Portugal) and EUROGRAPHICS'98, which took place in Lisboa, Portugal, was a founding member of the Eurographics Portuguese Chapter. Leads the EG Working Group on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling was elected member of EG Executive Committee 2000-2006 and became a Fellow of Eurographics in 2010.
He participated in many research projects both at the National and European Level. Principal Investigator (PI) of SmartSketches (IST-2000-28169), led the Alfa INETGAM II-0072-A network of excellence and spearheaded the CGEMS international project, co-funded by Eurographics Association and ACM/SIGGRAPH.
He has served on the program committees of 200+ international conferences. He is Editor-in-Chief of two Journals: Graphics and Visual Computing, and Computers and Graphics (Elsevier), was a member of the Editorial Board for Computer Graphics Forum (2001-2008) and serves on the board of seven other journals. He is a Distinguished Member and Speaker of ACM and is affiliated with ACM/SIGGRAPH, the IEEE Computer Society (Senior Member since 2000), IFIP TC13 (Human Computer Interaction) and IAPR. He Received the IFIP Silver Core Award in 2014 for services to TC13.
Anatomy Studio: A tool for virtual dissection through
augmented 3D reconstruction
Session 9
Extended Reality for Medical Training and Education
8.00 pm (CEST)
Saturday, September 25