Erin Washington (she/her/hers) is a co-founder of Embodied Labs – the company that is leading the aging care space in the development of cutting-edge immersive training for professional and family caregivers. She is currently serving as Embodied Labs’ director of education and training, frequently presenting at conferences and symposia on topics related to Embodied Labs’ mission to empower the next generation of caregivers, and vision of seeing a world where older adults - regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic status, and cognitive or physical ability - are able to live the best lives possible as they age. Washington’s background includes over a decade working in instructional design, adult learning pedagogy, and information science.
How Immersive Experiences Transform Workforce Development in Aging Care & Beyond
Session 5
Extended Reality for Mental Health
10.00 pm (CEST)
Friday, September 24