Constanze Born is a medical doctor that interned in her early career with the WHO and the STOP TB Partnership and got insights into programmatic work of a governmental institution concerning microbiological multiresistances in antibiotics. After her stop in Geneva she decided to start her medical training in internal medicine and infectious diseases to understand medicine and to combine theoretical and practical knowledge for her future path. In the next years she received her training at the University hospital in Lübeck and at the Medical Clinic of the scientific center in Borstel and later got board certified as a specialist for internal medicine. Because she discovered early in her career her favor for prevention, she decided to start another medical training in hospital hygiene and infection control at the University hospital of Lübeck.
Together with colleagues she recently founded a network (jUNITE- “Netzwerk junge Infektionsmedizin”/ Network for infection medicine) to foster networking and collaboration between the disciplines of microbiology, biology, human and veterinary medicine, hygiene and infectious control e.g.
How much hygiene does Virtual Reality need? – A quick guide to disinfect
Session 7
Hygiene with/for Extended Reality
1.30 pm (CEST)
Saturday, September 25