Mr. Steffen Buchholz is a policy officer in the Department for Cyber Security and Interoperability at the Federal Ministry of Health. In addition, the department is responsible for the digitization part of the new Hospital Future Act (Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz, KHZG), which is intended to significantly improve the digitization of hospitals. The Department coordinated the Digital Healthcare Act (Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetz, DVG). Before joining the Department for Cyber Security and Interoperability, he was a policy officer in the Department for Medical Device Law at the Federal Ministry of Health and was responsible for digital medical devices. Already during his studies of biomedical engineering, he focused on different application areas of medical imaging, especially on X-ray, CT and MRI, automatic image analysis and digital controller programming.
Hacking XR – Views from a regulatory perspective
Thomas Süptitz & Steffen Buchholz, The Federal Ministry of Health (BMG)
1.00 - 1.15 pm (CEST)
Saturday, September 26