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Program 2024

Prepare for CME lectures, stimulating impulse talks, effective lightning rounds, critical hands-on experiences, Medical XR tech demos – and plenty of networking time

Day 1

Welcome Reception

5.30 pm – 7.00 pm (CEST)
September 18, 2024

Alte Aula
Universität Heidelberg
Grabengasse 1
69117 Heidelberg ↗

5.30 pm

Sip & Settle: Relaxed Easing into the Congress

6.00 pm

A few Words of Welcome

Dr med Lars Riedemann & Sebastian Smieja
Shift Medical Organising Committee

6.15 pm

Introduction to the Open Development Workshop

Dr med Lars Riedemann
Scientific Director Shift Medical GmbH
University Hospital Heidelberg

6.30 pm

Opening keynote presentation

Prof Dr Daniel Roth
School of Medicine and Health
Technical University of Munich

Welcome Dinner

8.00 pm – 11.30 pm (CEST)
September 18, 2024

Zum Güldenen Schaf
Hauptstrasse 115
69117 Heidelberg ↗

Day 2


8.45 am – 11.00 am (CEST)
September 19, 2024

BDC Heidelberg
Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Ring 5
69124 Heidelberg ↗

8.45 am

Congress Opening

Dr med Lars Riedemann & Sebastian Smieja
Shift Medical Organising Committee

9.00 am

Ethical Aspects in Medical XR

PD Dr Markus Herrmann
University Hospital Heidelberg &
National Center for Tumour Dieseases Heidelberg

9.15 am

Ethical Considerations of AI-Powered Chatbots Medicine

Jun. Prof Dr Philipp Kellmeyer
University Medical Center Freiburg &
Universität Mannheim

9.30 am

The Ethical and Philosophical Implications of the Application of XR in Psychiatric Settings

Dr Maria Marloth
University Hospital Cologne

Networking and Coffee Break

9.45 am – 10.30 pm (CEST)
September 19, 2024


10.30 am – 11.30 am (CEST)
September 19, 2024

10.30 am

Augmented Intelligence in Medicine

Dr med Lars Riedemann
Scientific Director Shift Medical GmbH
University Hospital Heidelberg

10.45 am

Legal aspects with regard to the use of VR and AR in the area of medicine

Dr iur Dr rer pol Hans Steege
Institute of Economics and Law
University of Stuttgart

11.00 am

Harnessing the Power of Evidence-based Medicine

Prof Dr Dennis Steininger
RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau

11.15 am

Introduction to the Augmented Intelligence Workshop

Dr med Lars Riedemann
Scientific Director Shift Medical GmbH
University Hospital Heidelberg

Networking Lunch and Open Development Workshop (Part 1)

11.30 am – 1.00 pm (CEST)
September 19, 2024

Social activities

1.00 pm - 4.00 pm (CEST)
September 19, 2024

Heidelberg City and Surroundings

1.00 pm

Transfer to Starting Points

Shuttles are available for each tour to transport congress guests to the starting point of the respective tour.

2.00 pm

Option 1

Heidelberg University Hospital Tour

Experience one of Europe’s largest Medical Centers

2.00 pm

Option 2

Abbey Brewery Tour

Learning the Art of Heidelberg Beer at the Brewery zum Klosterhof in the Benedictine Abbey Stift Neuburg

2.00 pm

Option 3

Heidelberg Old Town Tour with Boat Trip

Discover the beauty of Heidelberg and the magnificent Neckar Valley and go on a short Boat Trip with Heidelbergs one and only Solar Ship

2.00 pm

Option 4

Heidelberg Old Town Tour and Pub Visit

Discover the beauty of Heidelberg and the magnificent Neckar Valley and go for a short visit of one of Heidelbergs oldest Pubs in town

2.00 pm

Option 5

The famous Philosopher's Walk – Heidelberg at its prettiest

the Philosopher’s Walk draws people in with unique views over the town, the river, the Old Bridge, the Castle and the almost 600-metres high Königstuhl

2.00 pm

Option 6

Heidelberg Castle Tour

With a tour through the castle courtyard and the castle garden, you can immerse yourself in the colorful history of the world-famous structure.

Rest break

4.00 pm – 5.00 pm (CEST)
September 19, 2024

4.00 pm

Time to relax

Refresh yourself in your hotel room, or enjoy snacks and drinks on our relaxing event outdoor area, just enjoy life.

4.00 pm


No need to relax?

If you have too much energy: Work with our tech team, catalysts, and  your new friends in our open Medical XR tech corner on your own product and concepts.

Networking and Open Development Workshop (Part 2)

5.00 pm – 6.00 pm (CEST)
September 19, 2024


6.00 pm - 6.45 pm (CEST)
September 19, 2024

BDC Heidelberg
Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Ring 5
69124 Heidelberg ↗

6.00 pm

Training in Virtual Reality (VR) - Enhancing Situational Awareness and Patient Safety in the Operating Theatre

Prof Dr med Miriam Rüsseler, MME
Goethe University Frankfurt
University Hospital Frankfurt

6.15 pm

Creative Solutions for the Medical Field, a Designer’s Point of View

Susanna Götz
Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt

6.30 pm

Regulating the Future: Navigating the Complexities of XR Medical Devices in Regulatory Affairs

Prof Dr Christian Johner
Johner Institut

Social Dinner

6.45 pm - 8.00 pm (CEST)
September 19, 2024

6.45 pm

Opening of the Social Dinner at Business Development Center

7.00 pm

Social Dinner

8.00 pm

Evening keynote presentation and Open Discussion

Nick Schneider
Head of Division 511 – New Technologies and Data Use
Federal Ministry of Health

Congress Day 2 Night Revel: Beats, Bites, & Bright Moments

9.00 pm - 11.30 pm (CEST)
September 19, 2024

Day 3


9.00 am - 10.30 am (CEST)
September 22, 2023

Business Development Center

9.00 am

Harnessing the Power of Evidence-based Medicine and Entrepreneurship: A Unified Approach to Healthcare Innovation

Prof Dr Dennis Steininger
RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau

9.15 am

The Med1stMR-Project - Overview and status

Stefan Mohr and Gabriel Salg
Heidelberg University Hospital

9.30 am

Solving Critical Eye Accomodation and VAC Problem with Multi Focal AR Architecture in Medical Use Cases

Ilmars Osmanis
Lightspace Technologies, SIA

9.45 am

XR Technologies as a Cognitive Prosthetic: Insights from Cognitive and Learning Science

Madeleine Keehner

10.00 am

Creating the Virtual Medicine Centre at HUG Geneva

Oliver Kannape (PhD)
Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève

10.15 am

Practice Readiness Through XR in the Curriculum

Michael Ackerman
The Ohio State University - College of Nursing

Networking and Open Development Time

10.30 am - 11.00 am (CEST)
September 22, 2023


11.00 am - 12.15 pm (CEST)
September 22, 2023

11.00 am

Fighting Auditory Hallucinations by using VR Simulation Training

Simon Lajboschitz
Khora Aps

11.15 am

Affective AI Technologies for Emotion Detection and Voice Biomarker Analysis: Applications and Integration Opportunities

Soroosh Mashal

11.30 am

Meta for Education Transform your Students’ Learning with Immersive Technologies

Eva Ivancic

11.45 am

Next-Generation Healthcare Education: Leveraging Extended Reality and Spatial Computing with Low-Code and No-Code Content Creation Tools

Prof Dr. George Papagiannakis

12.00 pm

Enhancing Rehabilitation through Hybrid Technologies: Wearable Robotics and FES in Virtual Reality

Rebecca Schuster and Lucia Buatier
Heidelberg University

12.15 pm

Qualitative and Quantitative Evalution of XR and Global Health Perspectives

Prof Dr Jagtar Dhanda

Networking lunch and Open Development Time

12.30 pm - 1.00 pm (CEST)
September 22, 2023


1.00 pm - 2.00 pm (CEST)
September 22, 2023

1.00 pm

Disrupting Nursing Education with XR

Stephanie Justice
The Ohio State University - College of Nursing

1.15 pm

Medical Simulation in VR based on Clinical Research

Jacob Sangild
VitaSim Aps

1.30 pm

Advancements in Medical XR: Revolutionizing Healthcare Delivery and Education

Athanasios Raikos and Panagiota Kordali
Medis Media Pty Ltd - 3D Organon

1.45 pm

VheaRts, unveiling lessons learned and future opportunities from a VR experience that enhances clinical planning and training in congenital diseases

Claudio Capelli
University College London and Great Ormond Street Hospital

Networking and Open Development Time 

2.00 pm - 2.30 pm (CEST)
September 22, 2023


2.30 pm - 3.45 pm (CEST)
September 22, 2023

2.30 pm

The ARMED (Augmented Reality assisted, Forensic Medical Evidence collection and Documentation) project

PD Dr Dorothea Kaufmann
Heidelberg University Hospital

2.45 pm

KARVIMIO: AI-Based AR Visualization of Operating Instructions for Medical Instruments in the Operating Room

Julian Kreimeier
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg

3.00 pm

Enhancing Surgical Training through XR: The Need for an Inclusive Platform

Umut Elestekin and Tolga Güngör
Non Nocere GmbH

Networking and Open Development Time

3.00 pm - 3.30 pm (CEST)
September 22, 2023


4.00 pm - 5.15 pm (CEST)
September 22, 2023

4.00 pm

Building spatial design teams

Arnab Chakravarty
Fundamental VR

4.15 pm

Objectifying personal experience with Virtual Reality(VR) in a children’s hospital – results of an RCT and beyond

Kathrin Kelly
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH)

4.30 pm

Clinically scalable VR/AR System for Surgical Planning of Oncologic Liver Resections and Living Liver Donors for Adults and Paediatric Patients

David Sibrina
Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM)

4.45 pm

Immersive training of clinical decision making with AI driven virtual patients – a new VR platform called medical tr.AI.ning

Dr Marvin Mergen
Saarland University

5.00 pm

Future Outlook

Dr Lars Riedemann
Shift Medical

5.15 pm

Congress Debrief Lounge
